Honey Lemon Ginger Turmeric Drink

Lemon, honey turmeric and ginger drink is a refreshing beverage that is often used to help ease cold and flu symptoms. Each of the ingredients have unique, natural medicinal qualities and when they are combined, they create a soothing tea that can relieve symptoms and boost the immune system. Lemon, ginger, honey tea can also provide health benefits for those not suffering from a cold or flu. 

Adding lemon to water not only quenches thirst better than any other beverage, but it also nourishes our body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements which we absolutely need. Lemon with water can be considered the best natural energy booster. When we wake up in the morning, our bodily tissues are dehydrated and are in need of water to push out toxins and rejuvenate the cells. In other words, this homemade “lemonade” helps eliminate internal toxins, regulating proper kidney and digestive tract functions by forcing them to work as smoothly as possible.


Lemon juice is a source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that is vital for a strong immune system. When added to tea, lemon juice can provide your immune system with a much-needed boost. The vitamin C in lemon juice can also help neutralize the activity of waste products called free radicals in the body, reducing inflammation and swelling caused by free radicals in the body. By stemming damage due to inflammation in your body, vitamin C may decrease the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.


Traditionally, ginger has been used for the relief of nausea, upset stomach and digestive distress. However, this root plant also has other therapeutic properties as an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Ginger can promote a healthy sweating that aids in the detoxification of the body, which is often helpful when suffering from a cold or flu. Ginger is also helpful for settling upset stomachs as well as dizziness, nausea, vomiting and cold sweating, which can accompany digestive problems.

Turmeric is used for arthritis, heartburn (dyspepsia), joint pain, stomach pain, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, bypass surgery, hemorrhage, diarrhea, intestinal gas, stomach bloating, loss of appetite, jaundice, liver problems, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gallbladder disorders, high cholesterol, a skin condition called lichen planus, skin inflammation from radiation treatment, and fatigue.
It is also used for headaches, bronchitis, colds, lung infections, fibromyalgia, leprosy, fever, menstrual problems, itchy skin, recovery after surgery, and cancers. Other uses include depression, Alzheimer's disease, swelling in the middle layer of the eye (anterior uveitis), diabetes, water retention, worms, an autoimmune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), tuberculosis, urinary bladder inflammation, and kidney problems.


Honey has a soothing effect on sore throats, making it an effective and natural cough suppressant. It may also boost the body's immune system by aiding in the production of white blood cells. This improves your ability to fight infection and helps reduce fevers. The natural sweetness of honey also balances the tartness of the lemon and the ginger’s spice, giving honey, lemon and ginger tea its soothing flavour.



1.         Grate small pieces of fresh ginger root and fresh turmeric root  in a tea pot, big cup or small bowl. You can also grate some lemon skin ( make sure that the lemon is oganic and was soak in boiling water for 1-2 min). Pour half cup of boiling water over it and let it steep for up to 10 minutes.

2.         Add the juice of half or whole lemon juice and up to 1 tablespoon of raw honey.

3.         Stir to dissolve the honey, taste, and add more hot water to make a nice warm drink. Use straw to drink it.


Additional ingredients:  

Cayenne powder or Astragalus root.


How and when to drink water with lemon:

You need to drink water with lemon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Some recommend a drink of water one hour before meals for maximum results.


20 Unbelievable Reasons To Start Your Day With Water and Lemon


  • Water with lemon provides the body with electrolytes which hydrate your body. As lemons contain good amount of electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

  • Water with lemon is good for the joints, reducing pain in the joints and muscles.

  • Warm water with lemon helps digestion as lemon contains citric acid. It interacts with other enzymes and acids which easily stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and digestion.

  • The liver produces more enzymes from water with lemon than from any other food.

  • Water with lemon cleanses the liver. Lemon juice stimulates the liver to release toxins.

  • Water with Lemon helps fight infections of the respiratory tract, sore throats and inflammation of the tonsils. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of lemon.

  • Warm water with lemon helps regulate natural bowel movement.

  • Water with lemon is indispensable for the normal work of metabolism. Since lemon is a powerful antioxidant, it protects the body from free radicals and strengthens the immune system.

  • Water with lemon aids in proper functioning of the nervous system (as lemon has a high content of potassium). Depression and anxiety are often the result of low levels of potassium in the blood. The nervous system needs a sufficient amount of potassium to ensure sustainable signals to the heart.

  • Water with lemon cleanses blood, blood vessels and arteries.

  • Water with lemon can help lower blood pressure. A daily intake of one lemon can reduce high blood pressure by 10%.

  • Water with lemon creates an alkalizing effect in the body. Even if you drink it immediately before a meal, it can help your body maintain a higher level of pH. The higher the pH, the more your body is able to fight diseases.

  • Water with lemon is good for the skin. Vitamin C in lemon, improves our skin by rejuvenating the body. Drinking water with lemon regularly (every morning) will improve the condition of your skin.

  • Water with lemon helps to dilute uric acid, the built up of which leads to pain in the joints and gout.

  • Water with lemon is beneficial for pregnant women. Since lemons are loaded with Vitamin C, it acts as an adaptogen helping the body cope with viruses such as colds. Furthermore, vitamin C helps the formation of bone tissue of the unborn baby. At the same time, due to the high content of potassium, a mixture of water with lemon helps forming cells of the brain and nervous system of the baby.

  • Water with lemon relieves heartburn. For this, mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water.

  • Water with lemon helps dissolve gallstones, kidney stones, pancreatic stones, and calcium deposits.

  • Water with lemon helps with weight loss. Lemons contain pectin fiber, which helps suppress hunger cravings. Studies have proven people with a better alkaline diet have lost weight faster.

  • Water with lemon helps with tooth pain and gingivitis.

  • Water with lemon prevents cancer. This is due to the fact that lemons are a highly alkaline food. Multiple studies have found that cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.